Version, history and license.
- 2021-12-30 Hartmut Enhancement: Now it is possible to read an include script from an operation,
which is hence stored in the jar file. Syntay is: include
The backlevel
is to built a reference current directory for further includes.
It should be relative in the same working tree, usual on the root of a working tree.
- 2021-09-15 Hartmut The path for Obj can contain now also$Subclass separated with $, Important!
- 2021-09-15 Hartmut <textExpr> some confusion with white spaces, should be carefully visited
- 2021-06-08 Hartmut:Featurefix: Now empty statementlist is possible.
The problem for that was that an empty statement list such as main() { }
has had an obscure error message. Secondly sometime an empty statement block may be
* Change simple, statementBlock::= { [ ] } with option braces.
- 2021-06-08 Hartmut: Now the <::> can be used for a text start without newline written with ident designation
* usage: subtext(args) <::>textexpr<.> possible and proposed
* intern: ZbnfItemAttribute ?.skipFirstnl= and ?.ident= used.
- 2021-06-08 Hartmut: Some simplifications for inhibit repeat same programming:
* JZtxtcmdSyntax: definition of text::=
- 2021-02-07 Hartmut new:
List ... [ @ <$?keyVariableName> ]
- 2017-07-12 Hartmut chg:
attribute ident to any textExpr,
hence it is possible to use it in any textDatapath too, for example
String myString = <:>StartContent
==================further Content in new line.<.>
It was done because searching of bug found in ZbnfParser, but it is yet usefully.
- 2017-07-12 Hartmut new: debugOp
- 2017-03-25 Hartmut renaming JZtxtcmd, attribute ?.indent=-3 for textExpr
- 2017-03-11 Hartmut <:indent:3=> for indentation of a generated text.
- 2017-03-11 Hartmut renaming JZtxtcmd instead jzcmd. It is Java z Text command
- 2017-01-07 Hartmut new In a
now <{ }>
and <:\\>
can be written inside. It is documented in JZcmd description.
- 2017-01-07 Hartmut chg: Comment in
is now <:---> comment <--->
instead <:--- comment ---> because it may confuse with XML text generation elsewhere.
- 2016-01-09 Hartmut chg: Syntax for List, new DefSubtext.
- 2015-12-28 Hartmut chg: instanceof operator in cmpOperationInText too, was missing.
- 2015-12-28 Hartmut chg:
is not an end of an textExpr, because the possibility of <=variableDefinition is removed.
Especially <= is a typical text content for code generation (less or equal). It can be used without subscription now.
- 2015-08-30 Hartmut chg: textValue ends on a ':' too, important for 2015-08-30 Hartmut new: The simple syntax
text = newFile;
to change the <+>output<.+>
has a less semantic effect. Therefore it is replaced by <+:create>newFile<.+>
or <+:append>...
with the possibility of append to an existing file.
- 2014-12-06 Hartmut new: //JZcmd will be ignored, possibility to write a JZcmd script in the comment of a Java source file.
- 2014-12-06 Hartmut chg: The definition of a return type of a subroutine was never used in the execution. Other concept. removed.
- 2014-08-10 Hartmut chg: endlineComment with // only till <+ to support start of text output in an endline comment line.
- 2014-08-10 Hartmut chg: < :@ columnPos : minSpaces> uses : instead + as separator because + is a part of the columnpos expression.
- 2014-08-10 Hartmut new: !checkXmlFile = filename;
- 2014-07-27 Hartmut new: ## in text expression don't skip over newline. Write a <: > before to prevent newline.
- 2014-06-15 Hartmut new: zmake &filePath := ... output as Filepath instance
- 2014-06-15 Hartmut new: Obj name : type possible, not used yet, see
- 2014-06-07 Hartmut new: Class var = :loader: package.path.Class; with a loader.
- 2014-06-07 Hartmut new: new &datapath.Classvar:(args) and java &datapath.Classvar:method(args):
Using a Class variable instead constant package.path.Class possible.
- 2014-05-18 Hartmut chg: DefFilepath now uses a textValue and divides the path to its components
at runtime, doesn't use the prepFilePath in ZBNF. Reason: More flexibility. The path can be assmebled
on runtime.
- 2014-04-24 Hartmut some changes, especially datapath uses a regular expression for second identifiers,
not a ZBNF identifier (< $?>), therefore the JZcmd keywords are possible to use for internal data identifier.
There should not be restrictions.
- 2014-03-07 Hartmut new: currdir without definition, Filepath as type of a named argument.
- 2014-03-07 Hartmut new: All capabilities from Zmake are joined here. Only one concept!
- 2014-02-22 Hartmut new: Bool and Num as variable types.
- 2013-12-01 Hartmut new debug
- 2013-07-07 Hartmut improved: The older text generation view is now removed.
- include "file" instead <:include:file>
- subtext name(args) <:>...text...<.> instead <:subtext:name:args>...text...<.subtext>
- <:file>...<.file> removed, use main(){...}
- <=variabledef...> removed, use newer variabledef
- genContent::= with whitespaces removed, instead
now exists
as textExpr::=
and contains <:for...> and <:if...>
in older version now textValue::=
with admissible
"text", <:>...<.>, new ..., java ...
as syntactical unit removed, available as method
- 2013-07-07 Hartmut new: Now syntax as Java batch, invocation of command lines.
- 2013-06-20 Hartmut new: Syntax with extArg for textual Arguments in extra block
- 2013-06-29 Hartmut chg: Now <=var:expr.> should be terminated with .>
- 2013-03-10
<:include:path> and <:scriptclass:JavaPath>
is supported up to now.
- 2013-01-05 Hartmut new: A expression is a concatenation of strings or + or - of numerics. It is used for all value expressions.
In this kind an argument of <*path.method("text" + $$eNV_VAR + dataPath) is possible.
Also <*path + path2> is possible whereby its the same like <*$path><*$path2> in that case.
- 2012-12-26 Hartmut creation of this class: The syntax should be in a separate file, better for navigation.
- 2012-12-10 Hartmut chg: The syntax is now stored in a static String variable.
- 2012-10-00 Hartmut new TextGenerator-syntax in a text file.
- 2011-05-00 Hartmut creation of the syntax as Zmake syntax in a text file.
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