Dr. Hartmut Schorrig, www.vishia.org, 2021-01-24

1. Approach

RAM is expensive for embedded control. Hence: Constant values should be stored in the Flash ROM. It is other than for PC programming.

2. const in C, constant segments in Flash

If you define in C language

const xvalue = 25;

then this definition is written without additional designations in a const segment for compiling and linking. A const segment is usually associated to the Flash ROM area. Simple and ready to use.

The value for the const variable should be anytime able to calculate in compile time in C language.

3. Other meaning of const in C++

3.1. Calculating of the const values on run time

Other in C++. In C++ it can be written:

const xvalue = calculateThexValue();

It means, the sub routine calculateThexValue() will be invoked in run time in the startup phase (before execution main()). The variable xvalue is const for compiler usage, but it is not associated to a constant memory area (Flash), because: The value is not able to determine from the compiler. It is calculated. Hence it should be written only on run time.

This is a language improvement, more capabilities, const is a property of compiling. The compiler forces an error if a const value would be changed. (Nevertheless const_cast<> can be done). But the automatically assignment to a const data segment is lost.

3.2. const parts in a class, handling in the constructor

For example a

class SystemSettings_HwCpu_emC_C {
 int const fqClockCpu;        //: CPU Clock in 100kHz, 2000 is 200 MHz
 int const fqPeriphalSerial;  //: same for serial peripheral components.
 public: SystemSettings_HwCpu_emC_C(int clock_MHz)
 : fqClockCpu(10*clock_MHz)
 , fqPeriphalSerial(5* fqClockCpu)

is written in C++. All elements are const. Hence the constructor should be handle it as initial values, not in the body, immediately after :.

SystemSettings_HwCpu_emC_C const systemSettings_HwCpu_emC(200);

It may be expectable that the only-const constructor may be handled by the compiler and the only-const result can be initialized immediately as const values. But it isn’t so. The compiler generates the constructor algorithm, which sets the values. The instance itself is associated to the RAM, because it is written in the startup time. It means it needs machine code for the constructor, and additional RAM for the const values. The compiler cannot deside whether it is able to calculate on compile time, it doesn’t know that the argument value of clock_MHz is given as constant.

For C++ language: The possibility to initialize a const on startup time is the prior one before storing in a const memory segment.

4. const definition in C with { …​ }

If the const data are complex, long, nested, an initializer is often confusing. The C standard allows naming of parts of the definition.

typedef struct MyConstExample_T {
 int const val1;
 int const val2;
} MyConstExample_s;
MyConstExample_s const myConst =
{ .val1 = 2000
, .val2 = 1000

That enables naming of the elements (!, obvious) and a different order. It is possible and nice to use. But unfortunately not all compilers understand this construct, especially the Visual Studio compiler (2015) does not understand it. It means, for a portable (multi platform) usage, it cannot be used in any case. Hence the proposal to define

#define INIZ_MyConstExample(VAL1, VAL2) { VAL1, VAL2 }

is proper. See TODO nested INIZ …​.

In C language it is also possible to calculate some constants in compile time, it needs a macro. But it may be some more simpler for usage:

#define INIZ_Val1_MyConstExample(VAL1) { \
   { 10*VAL, 25*VAL }

It is fortunately if values are calculated and set from only one user arguments for this example. The macro is helpfully to adapt the user approaches to the struct definition.

Nevertheless there isn’t a possibility likewise inline as function with parameters, which can be checked on compile time with a better error report.

5. Conclusion const data in embedded with C++

It is recommended to define the const data with C language. The const data should be defined in an extra C-file as C language const. This file can be compiled with C or maybe with C++. Often C++ compilers for embedded platforms associates C-like const as a C compiler in the flash area. But the values should be all able calculate on compile time. It means, the user should check the list, asm or map file whether it is done proper to the Flash Rom, if C++ compiling is used.

The extern declaration should be written as

extern_C MyType const myData;


#ifdef __cplusplus
 #define extern_C extern "C"
 #define extern_C extern

You can also use the usual known form

#ifdef __cplusplus
  extern "C" {
 //... some more C-parts
  extern MyType const myData;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif  //extern "C"

This designation is important in the headers, which are used for C and C++ sources. The C++ sources should recognize that the const definitions have a C nature. It is important to build the labels for the linker. If this is not considered, linker errors are produced.