Static libraries in C are only a assembling of Object files. The advanatage of using libraries is: The linker searches the necessary sources from the library. The sources, therwith the compilation units respectively the object files can be hold less. The whole number of files is not a problem.
Libraries have an own meaning for operation systems and their applications, such as under MS-Windows or Linux. The libraries are pre-compiled for the version of the Operation system (sometime widely versions-independent), but with the known condition of the operation system proper to the kernel-interface.
For embedded applications, the libraries should be compiled application-specific. This is the approach for emC software development:
The different platforms and application specifics are established on source level. For a special desired applstdef_emC.h
you should compile the sources for this special approach under the special conditions. The specialization is given in:
dedicated include paths.
special adapted applstdef_emC.h
For the usage on Visual Studio (21015 or higher) the project emcTest/libMsc15_emC/libMsc15_emC.sln
contains all files for the emC library and some settings to compile. The lib is stored on ...libMsc15_emC/lib/DbgC32ExcH/libMsc15_emC.lib
for the configuration DbgC32ExcH
in this project. The libMsc15_emC.pdb
is written in the T:Msc15$(ProjectName)$(Configuration).. path. It should be copied manually (or with a batch) to the lib.